"The Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA)/SCC announces the beginning of a Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) contract with Instant Access Networks, LLC (IAN) and its subcontractors as of March 28, 2016 entitled, 'Accelerating Society-wide EMP Protection of Critical Infrastructure and Micro-grids'."  Click for full press release.

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IAN successfully completed its Phase I SBIR contract with DTRA (HDTRA1-16-P-0025) and is developing SBIR Phase II and Phase III contracts that are derived from its completed Phase 1 contract and its product "Resilient Adaptive Modular-Microrid Systems" (RAMS (TM)). Subcontractors include Technology Assessment and Transfer (TA&T) providing advanced materials support; DC Fusion/ Power Analytics and WES providing power management software of microgrids; Jaxon Engineering and Maintenance providing EMP testing support and Fairfax Water, providing water utility management guidance.  Click on "About Us"  on left  for a larger partial list of collaborators.
